Attempting to catch up...

I know it's been far too long since I've updated any of this stuff (I think I do this every 3 months), but as you will soon see things have been pretty busy. I'm really going to try to keep the world more up to date...

Synecdoche, New York opened last weekend in New York and Los Angeles. I'll be linking to some of the reviews here. For the most people critics are really loving the film. There are a few who don;t seem to get into it, bt that was expected as it's a cerebral workout. If you haven't downloaded the trailer yet, you must:

On another note, there is an incredible film that you should see - Let the Right One In. It's a swedish vampire story that is just amazing!!!

Hope you enjoy. I'll post more soon. Send me a note and let me know that soomeone is actually reading this stuff - it may help.

Also, be sure to check out Beth's blog - she's much better at this than I am: